Saturday, June 13, 2009

Let's Go Bass Fishing

Maine has great river smallmouth Bass fishing, my friend Richard and I took a trip to the Penobscot River above Bangor last week and had some great fishing.
We caught a lot of fish, Richard had two fish over 18"
I had to settle for the smaller fish, but I made up for it in numbers.

This is our guide Kevin McKay, . Kevin was great, we had a lot of fun with him and he worked hard to keep us on fish. I am an avid flytyer, and I had tied a lot of flies for this trip but Kevins flies were the top producers. He knows what these fish like to eat. A very personable young man too. In case you're wondering why Kevin is standing in the water, we lost our anchor so we tied a rope around Kevins waist and tossed him overboard!
Thanks for a great day Kevin.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Some dry flies

This Caddis fly is tied on a Tiemco 100BL, a great all purpose barbless dry fly hook.

This CDC emerger is tied on a Partridge Oliver Edwards K14ST, I love this hook for emergers but it is very hard to find, may be discontinued.

I like hooks, this is tied on a Tiemco 206BL black finish, barbless.

Cast of characters

Bob Keane with a nice fish in the Hatchery Pool.

Three old friends hanging out at GLS. Don, Terry and Scotty

Gary Betz, our host at Grand Lake Stream Camps.

Bob Leemans, outdoor writer, radio personality, and author of "Trolling flies for trout and salmon" Bob is a regular at GLS.

Bob Upham, owner of "Uphams Corner" and long time flytyer. Bob ties all the streamers for the Pine Tree Store. Bob is a year round resident of GLS and an awful nice guy.